「Natureや一流国際誌へ挑もう:Springer Nature Publishing Academy」

We have reached capacity for this event, so applications are no longer being accepted. Thank you all very much for the large number of applications.

 本ワークショップでは、論文を投稿し始めた研究者が、一定水準以上の国際学術誌へ論文を投稿して受理されることを実現し、 本学研究成果の国際発信を強化することを目的としています。
The purpose of this workshop is to help researchers learn how to get published in high profile journals like Nature, and to promote the dissemination of research outcomes originated from Osaka University.
日時(Date & Time) 2016年12月9日(金) 13:30~17:15(13:00開場)
13:30 - 17:15, Friday December 9, 2016 (open 13:00)
会場(Venue) 大阪大学コンベンションセンター 1F 会議室1(吹田キャンパス)
Meeting Room 1, 1F, Convention Center (Suita Campus)
対象(Expected participants) Nature等インパクト・ファクターの高い海外誌に投稿する予定のある大阪大学の教員・研究員、大学院生
Academic staff, research fellows, and postgraduate students of Osaka University (especially those who wish to get published in high profile journals like Nature)
Please note that examples from the fields of Medicines and Life Sciences will be used at the workshop. However, researchers from other areas may also find it useful.
講師(Speaker) Jeffrey Robens(Editorial Development Manager, Springer Nature)
定員(Capacity) 100名(定員になり次第締め切らせていただきます。)
100 (please note that if maximum capacity is reached, the registration will be closed prior to the deadline.)
  • プログラムは英語(通訳なし)での開催となります。
    The workshop will be held in English.
  • 事前登録が必要です。
    Pre-registration is required.
  • 第1~3部はインパクト・ファクターの高い国際学術誌へ投稿するための英語論文の書き方や投稿戦略全般について、第4部はNatureへの投稿実例等について講演します。
    Please note that Parts 1-3 are about general academic writing skills and publication strategies, which researchers who wish to get published in high-profile journals will find useful. Nature-specific contents will be delivered in Part 4.
主催(Organized by) 大阪大学附属図書館/Osaka University Library
経営企画オフィスURAプロジェクト/Research Management and Administration Section, Office of Management and Planning
13:00-13:30 受付(Reception)
13:30-14:15 Effective academic writing
  • Improving readability
  • Avoiding ambiguity
  • Writing simply and concisely
  • Avoiding common mistakes
  • Native English scientific writing style
Activity: Attendees will need to improve the readability of poorly written sentences.
14:15-14:30 休憩(Break)
14:30-15:30 Manuscript structure
  • Introducing the importance of your study
  • Transparently reporting the methodology
  • Factually presenting your results
  • Discussing relevance and implications
  • Writing strong conclusions
  • Effective titles and abstracts
Activity: Attendees will need to identify which aims are most appropriate for an identified research problem.
15:30-15:45 休憩(Break)
15:45-16:20 Effective publication strategies
  • What’s important in choosing a journal
  • Understanding the relevance of the study
  • Identifying the most appropriate journal
  • Improving the suitability of your manuscript for your target journal
Activity: Attendees will need to identify the most suitable journal for a specific study.
16:20-16:35 休憩(Break)
16:35-17:15 Successful manuscript submission for high impact journals
  • What editors at high impact journals are looking for
  • Editorial process at Nature‐branded journals
  • Case study: successful submission to Nature Cell Biology
    • Cover letter to emphasize the significance of the study
    • Understanding decision letters and revising your manuscript
    • Responding to the referees’ comments in the response letter
Activity: Attendees will need to determine which response is best for a reviewer comment.
申込方法 定員に達しましたので、参加受付を終了しました。多数のお申し込みをありがとうございました。
We have reached capacity for this event, so applications are no longer being accepted. Thank you all very much for the large number of applications.
お問い合わせ(Contact) 大阪大学附属図書館 図書館企画課 企画係
 06-6850-5073  kikaku01@library.osaka-u.ac.jp