Off Campus Access
You can access e-resources (e-journals, e-books and databases) that Osaka University subscribes from home or business trip destinations. When you are within the campus of Osaka University, please use e-resources by clicking each tab of "E-Journals", "E- Books" and Databases on Library's website.
Access to e-journals / e-books
E-Resource List
Advanced search (E-Resource List)
If the title you need is available for off-campus access, authentication screen will appear. After authentication, you can access the journal website.
Publisher / Vendor links
Some Journals are available off-campus via the following link through user authentication by Osaka University Personal ID.
Access to databases
Some databases are available off-campus via the following link through user authentication by Osaka University Personal ID.
- ACM Digital Library
- AnthroSource (Wiley)
- Archives Unbound
- CAS SciFinder®
You must first register and create your personal account. (On Campus Access) - Chinese Newspapers Collection
- CiNii Research
- Cochrane Library
- DynaMed
- Early English Books Online (EEBO)
- EBSCO Business Source Elite
- EBSCO Discovery Service (まとめて検索)
- EBSCOhost
- EconLit
- Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)
- Essential Science Indicators (ESI)
- Financial Times Historical Archives, 1888-2010
- Health & Medical Collection
- HeinOnline
- House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP)
- Index to Legal Periodicals
- International Bibliography of Art(IBA)
- JapanKnowledge Lib
- Journal Citation Reports
- KOD (Kenkyusha Online Dictionary)
Available off-campus through GakuNin. - LEX/DBインターネット
- Le Doctrinal
- Making of the Modern World (MOMW)
- MarinLit
- Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL)
- MLA International Bibliography
- New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
- New York Times collection
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB)
- Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
- Picture Post Historical Archive, 1938-1957
- Predatory Reports
- Press Reader
- ProQuest
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
- PTSDpubs
- PubMed (For OU members)
- Reaxys
- SciVal
You must first register and create your personal account. - Scopus
- SocINDEX with Full Text
- SpringerProtocols
- Super法令Web
- Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum
- The Japan Times Archives (JTW-1 / ジャパンアドバタイザー / 幕末期のジャパンタイムズ)
- The Times Digital Archive, 1785-2019
- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
- Web of Science
- WestlawNext
- ブリタニカ・アカデミック・ジャパン(Britannica Academic Japan)
- 朝日新聞クロスサーチ
- 医中誌Web
- 化学書資料館
- 角川古語大辞典
- 鎌倉遺文
- 企業史料統合データベース
- 近現代史料データベース
- 群書類従 (正・続・続々)
- 公的判例集データベース
- 国史大辞典
- 最新看護索引Web
- ざっさくプラス(雑誌記事索引集成データベース)
- 字通
- 社会文化史データベース
- 新・判例解説Watch
- 新訂増補 国史大系
- 新編国歌大観
- 人民日報(People's Daily)
Switch your browser to private browsing mode to access.
- 大漢和辞典
- 太宰治自筆資料集
- 中国期刊全文数据库(CAJ)
- 中国近代報刊庫 大報編 申報
Switch your browser to private browsing mode to access and check "Modern Documents" and click "login".(You do not need to enter user name & password.)
- 中国工具書 (CRWO)
- 中文期刊全文数拠庫9
- 都道府県統計書データベース(明治、大正、昭和戦前)
- 日経テレコン21 (大学向けコンテンツ)
Switch your browser to private browsing mode to access.
- 日本近代文学館
- 日本国語大辞典
- 日本歴史地名体系
- 風俗画報
- 文藝春秋アーカイブズ
- 法学紀要データベース
- 法律文献総合INDEX
- 毎日新聞 マイ索
- 読売新聞 ヨミダス
- 読売新聞 ヨミダス歴史館
"ヨミダス歴史館" will be closed on March 31, 2024. Please connect to "ヨミダス" after April 1.
Notice of use
Osaka University Personal ID and password
is required to use it.
Please check the following page FAQ on Campus-wide IT Authentication Platform Service in Osaka University about Osaka University Personal ID and password.
Some e-resources are not available under this service because we provide only the e-resouces which publishers permitted us to access off-campus.
In this case, please access them on campus.
While you are using this service, the URL in your browser's address will be like the following example.
If the URL doesn't contain "", you are outside this service. Please return within this service by clicking your browser's "Back" button. -
A connection error may occur due to cookies left over from past use. In that case, please try the following:
- Access with another browser.
- Use private (secret) browsing mode.
When you end the remote access, please click the below button or close your browser to disconnect the authentication.
Important Note
Each publisher prohibits in its terms of use excessive access and downloading in a short period of time. Any violation may result in penalty imposed to the entire university community, including suspension of access to the concerned publisher’s e-resources.
For further information, please refer to Appropriate Use Policy for E-resources.
Some E-resources such as KOD are available off-campus through GakuNin. For more information, please refer to the following website.
Other access way
Following Databese is available from off-campus if you can get ID/PW.