This page shows you characteristics of equipments in our library and how to use them.
PCs for Databases Searching
These PCs are located on the 1st floor.
PCs are placed for searching the database such as OPAC, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and ICHUSHI and reading e-journals. (Service hours: Weekdays 9:00-17:00)
Some databeses and e-journals are OU members only use. Please ask the staff about the use limitations of these materials. Note that you can't use these PCs for business.
PCs【OU members only】
PCs are equipped on 1st floor.
You can use these PCs by OU Mail account.
You can't print out your data.
Using Wireless LAN with Your Laptop【OU members only】
On any floor, You can access to the internet with your laptop or tablet PC by the Wireless LAN. You can use this service by logging in with Osaka University Personal ID. SSID is "odins-1x".
AV booth
These terminals are located on 4th floor.
You can watch Videotapes or DVDs.
When you use headphones or earphones, connecting jack is required. Please ask staff at Circulation Desk(1F).
Magnification Reading Machine
This machine is located on the 1st floor. (*stationary type)
It can enlarge the view of printed materials, convert the image to black and white, and enhance the contrast.
Please feel free to use.