E-learning Materials
This page contains e-learning materials made by Osaka University Library and handouts of past workshops.
e-learning course “Library Guidance for International Students : How to Search and Use Books & Articles in Osaka University Library”
【Main Target】 International students and researchers (mainly for newcomers to Osaka University)
This course is the library guidance for international students.
Through this course, you can get basic skills to search and use books & articles in Osaka University Library.
Handouts and materials of workshops for databases
【Main Target】 Undergraduate Students (mainly from B4 to B6) , Graduate Students and Researchers
These are handouts and materials of database workshops which were held by Osaka University Library. Please check on each database’s entry in the following “Database List” page.
Handouts and materials of workshops for citation manager tools
【Main Target】 Undergraduate Students (mainly from B4 to B6) , Graduate Students and Researchers
These are handouts and materials of citation manager tool workshops which were held by Osaka University Library. Please check on each citation manager’s entry in the following “Citation Manager” page.