Osaka University International Studies Library

外国図書庫1階集密 Int'l Studies Lib.: Compact Shelving (Closed Stacks 1F)

This item is located on the 1st floor (closed stacks) in International Studies Library.


OU members, Alumni, or Minoh residents can check out items in this area (i.e. journals) except for “In-library use only” items.


外国学図書館配架場所マップ Minoh International Studies Library Location Map

利用 User's Guide

概要 General Information

Available during the library is open.

Please check the “Volumes” to see whether Main Library holds the issue you need.


学外の方へ For Alumni, Visitors


You don't need to prepare a refferal letter. Please check our website and library hours before your visit.If you want to confirm the availability of the item and keeping it for you, please contact us via your university's. library.

お問い合わせ先 Contact Information

外国学図書館2階サービスカウンター Service Counter, Internatinal Studies Library
TEL: 072-730-5126 (受付:開館時間中 ※内容により平日9時~17時)
FAX: 072-730-5127
E-mail: tosyo-minoh-desk@office.osaka-u.ac.jp



  • 文献複写・現物貸借に関すること Inter-Library Loan
  • 訪問利用に関すること
    • 紹介状や事前のお申し込みは必要ありません。所蔵調査等を希望される場合はご連絡ください。取り置き資料の利用は平日9時から17時の間に限ります。
      You don't need to prepare a refferal letter. If your customers want to confirm the availability of the item and keeping it for them, please contact us. Kept items are available only from 9am to 5pm on Monday to Friday.
