International Studies Library

Books Purchase Request

Requests for FY2024 are no longer being accepted. We will resume in the new fiscal year.

We accept requests from members of Osaka University to purchase books for the International Studies Library.

This page is for members of Osaka University.

The Criteria for request

Books we collect

  • Books on languages
  • Books on foreign cultures or foreign country studies
  • Books which are regarded necessary to have in our library for education or research

Books we do not collect

  • Books that other Osaka University Libraries (Main Lib., Life Sciences Lib, Science and Engineering Lib. and Intl. Studies Lib.) already have
  • Books considered to be appropriate to be bought by individuals such as comic books, crambooks to pass an exam, workbooks, travel guidebooks, etc.
  • Magazines(Serials), sheet music and music CD
  • Relatively cheap books
  • When the requesting person didn't write the reason why he/she has requested it in the "book purchase request"
  • Other items which are not appropriate for our library to possess

How to apply

Before making a request

  • Please read the above criteria carefully. In light of the criteria, the Book Selection Committee will make purchasing decisions.
    *Depending on the budget situation, requests may be denied even if the criteria are met, or may be closed mid-fiscal-year.
  • It will take one month for Japanese books and two months for foreign books to become available.
    *It may take longer depending on publishers' stock status or other factors.
  • We will notify you by email as soon as the book becomes available. Books will be placed on hold for one week for those who have wished to receive borrowing priority.
  • The purchased items will be placed in International Studies Library.
  • If your request is denied, we will notify you by email, usually within two weeks of your request.

Undergraduate students, graduate students, research students / non-degree research students, credited auditors and auditors of Osaka University

Please apply using the following web application form.

Contact  Purchase Request (for Students) - Library Web Service
*Personal ID and password are required.
Required information Title, edition, author name, publisher, publish year, ISBN, Price including tax (Yen) and purpose of request, and whether you wish to receive borrowing priority

Faculty and staff of Osaka University

Please send an email to the address below.

Contact Technical Services Office
Required information Subject Book Purchase Request
Main message Applicant information Your name, affiliation and contact
Book information Title, edition, author name, publisher, publish year, ISBN, Price including tax (Yen), purpose of request, and whether you wish to receive borrowing priority

Inquiry about Book Purchase Request

Technical Services Office