Maps (Closed Stacks 1F)
We have collected about 700 maps with the donation from Toraji Hirooka, our deceased graduate. There are maps, atlases, old maps, reference books on place-names, etc.
Books donated by Chinese government (Closed Stacks 1F and 3F Reference Counter)
They are the collections of study-aid books for Chinese and ・工具書(reference books such as dictionary). HSK(Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, Chinese Proficiency Test)and visual aids such as cassette tapes, CD-ROMs, VCDs, etc.
These collections are donated because our library was designated as the books donation project of Chinese government.
Special collection (Closed Stacks 1F)
Please refer to the "Collection" page for details.
Private Collection / Private Bunko (Closed Stacks 1F)
We have several private collection. Please refer to the "Collection" page for details.
※Ishihama Collection, which was once owned by Dr. Ishihama Juntaro and is said to be the outstanding collection of oriental study, was relocated to Main Library in October, 2014.
For further information about using, please ask Main Library.
Foreign Newspapers we have
Other collections (Closed Stacks 1F, Closed area)
Materials in the closed area, which need to be retrieved by staff.
Microfilms we have
Microfilms were relocated to Main Library in October, 2014.
For further information about using, please ask Main Library.