Main Library

Learning Support Desk

Who is a Learning Supporter (LS)?

Learning Supporters (LSs) are graduate student staff in Osaka University Library. They, who specialize in various fileds, will support your studies at the Learning Support Desks. Feel free to ask them for their support!

* Learning Supporters are only available during school terms (April - early August and October - early February)

Learning Supporters in Main Library

There are 15 LSs. [Since June 17, 2024]

Desk Hours

Learning Supporters Global Learning Supporters(English support available) LATEX and programming

Members introduction



In the Main Library, there are 2 Learning Support Desks in the Learning Commons (2nd Floor, Building B).
Global Learning Supporters provide supports especially for international students such as JLPT and Japanese writing. Check the poster above to get more information.


Location of LS Desk



What the desks look like

Learning Supporters in each library

Each library has a learning support desk.
Please click on one of the buttons below for more information.

Main Library  Science and Engineering Library  International Studies Library

*Life Sciences Library's Learning Support Desk has been suspended since April 2022. Please contact the LSs of the other 3 libraries.