Commonly used citation formats are following:
ACS Style
Developed by ACS(American Chemical Society).
- The ACS style guide : effective communication of scientific information - 3rd ed2006(Book)
- ACSスタイルガイド : アメリカ化学会論文作成の手引き(3rd ed. translation into Japanese)
AMA Style
Developed by AMA(American Medical Association).
- AMA manual of style : a guide for authors and editors - 10th ed. c2007(Book)
- 医学英語論文の書き方マニュアル(10th ed. translation into Japanese)
APA Style
Developed by APA(American Psychological Association). Widely used in psychology, behavioral science, nursing, sociology, science of social welfare.
- Publication manual of the American Psychological Association – 7th ed. c2020(Book)
- APA論文作成マニュアル(6th ed. translation into Japanese)
- APA Style(Website by American Psychological Association)
MLA Style
Developed by MLA(Modern Language Association).
- MLA Handbook – 8th ed. 2016(Book)
- MLA英語論文の手引 - 7th ed. 2009(6th ed. translation into Japanese)
- MLA style manual and guide to scholarly publishing - 3rd ed. 2008(Book)
SIST: Standards for Information of Science and Technology
Developed by Japan Science and Technology Agency.