You can access e-resources (e-journals, e-books and databases) that Osaka University subscribes from home or business trip destinations. When you are within the campus of Osaka University, please use e-resources by clicking each tab of "E-Journals", "E- Books" and Databases on Library's website.
Access to e-journals / e-books
E-Resource List
Advanced search (E-Resource List)
If the title you need is available for off-campus access, authentication screen will appear. After authentication, you can access the journal website.
Publisher / Vendor links
Some Journals are available off-campus via the following link through user authentication by Osaka University Personal ID.
Access to databases
Some databases are available off-campus via the following link through user authentication by Osaka University Personal ID.
- ACM Digital Library
- AnthroSource (Wiley)
- Archives Unbound
- CAS SciFinder®
You must first register and create your personal account. (On Campus Access) - Chinese Newspapers Collection
- CiNii Research
- Cochrane Library
- DynaMed
- Early English Books Online (EEBO)
- EBSCO Discovery Service (まとめて検索)
- EBSCOhost
- EconLit
- Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)
- Essential Science Indicators (ESI)
- Financial Times Historical Archives, 1888-2010
- Health & Medical Collection
- HeinOnline
- House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP)
- Index to Legal Periodicals
- International Bibliography of Art(IBA)
- JapanKnowledge Lib
- Journal Citation Reports
- KOD (Kenkyusha Online Dictionary)
Available off-campus through GakuNin. - LEX/DBインターネット
- Le Doctrinal
- Making of the Modern World (MOMW)
- MarinLit
- Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL)
- MLA International Bibliography
- New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
- New York Times collection
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB)
- Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
- Picture Post Historical Archive, 1938-1957
- Predatory Reports
- Press Reader
- ProQuest
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
- PTSDpubs
- PubMed (For OU members)
- Reaxys
- SciVal
You must first register and create your personal account. - Scopus
- SocINDEX with Full Text
- SpringerProtocols
- Super法令Web
- Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum
- The Japan Times Archives (JTW-1 / ジャパンアドバタイザー / 幕末期のジャパンタイムズ)
- The Times Digital Archive, 1785-2019
- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
- Web of Science
- WestlawNext
- ブリタニカ・アカデミック・ジャパン(Britannica Academic Japan)
- 朝日新聞クロスサーチ
- 医中誌Web
- 化学書資料館
- 角川古語大辞典
- 鎌倉遺文
- 企業史料統合データベース
- 近現代史料データベース
- 群書類従 (正・続・続々)
- 公的判例集データベース
- 国史大辞典
- 最新看護索引Web
- ざっさくプラス(雑誌記事索引集成データベース)
- 字通
- 社会文化史データベース
- 新・判例解説Watch
- 新訂増補 国史大系
- 新編国歌大観
- 人民日報(People's Daily)
Switch your browser to private browsing mode to access.
- 大漢和辞典
- 太宰治自筆資料集
- 中国期刊全文数据库(CAJ)
- 中国近代報刊庫 大報編 申報
Switch your browser to private browsing mode to access and check "Modern Documents" and click "login".(You do not need to enter user name & password.)
- 中国工具書 (CRWO)
- 中文期刊全文数拠庫9
- 都道府県統計書データベース(明治、大正、昭和戦前)
- 日経テレコン21 (大学向けコンテンツ)
Switch your browser to private browsing mode to access.
- 日本近代文学館
- 日本国語大辞典
- 日本歴史地名体系
- 風俗画報
- 文藝春秋アーカイブズ
- 法学紀要データベース
- 法律文献総合INDEX
- 毎日新聞 マイ索
- 読売新聞 ヨミダス
- 読売新聞 ヨミダス歴史館
"ヨミダス歴史館" will be closed on March 31, 2024. Please connect to "ヨミダス" after April 1.