Full-text database from journals and conference proceedings published by ACM (Association for Computing Machinery).
- [Subject] Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Full-text database of the American Anthropological Association (AAA)'s journals and bulletins.
- [Subject] Folklore & Anthropology /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Digital collections of historical documents containing primary sources of specialized themes, available on the Gale Primary Sources platform.
・European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: German Colonies in Asia and the Pacific: From Colonialism to Japanese Mandates, 1910-1929
・European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: German Colonies to League of Nations Mandates in Africa 1910-1929
・European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: Italian Colonies in North Africa and Aggression in East Africa, 1930-1939
・European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: Political and Economic Consolidation of Portuguese Colonies in Africa, 1910-1929
・Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Commercial Relations, 1910-1949
・JFK and Foreign Affairs, 1961-1963
・Johnson Presidency Administrative Histories: Science and Technology
- [Subject] General Fields / Literature & Language / History & Geography / Law & Politics / Economics & Business /
- [Source type] Others /
Archives of electronic preprints in the fields of physics, mathmatics and computer science.
This is available not only on-campus but also off-campus.
- [Subject] Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
- Fachmodule: Verwaltungsrecht plus 「行政法プラス」
- Fachmodule: Strafrecht plus 「刑法プラス」
- Zeitschriften Module: GRUR plus 「ドイツ知的財産権法雑誌プラス」
- Fachmodule: Zivilrecht PREMIUM International 「民法プレミアムインターナショナル」
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Books / Laws & Precedents /
CAS SciFinder® and the following tools are available. You must first
register and create your personal account.
- CAS SciFinder® (Training)
- Comprehensive database for the chemical literature, indexing journal articles, chemical substances and reactions, and more.
- ChemZent
- An electronic archive of Chemisches Zentralblatt, the world's oldest German-language chemistry abstract journal. Accessible from CAS SciFinder® Bibliography.
- CAS Formulus (Training)
- A search tool specialized for formulation and compounding information.
- CAS Analytical Methods (Training)
- Dedicated search tool for analytical information such as analytical procedures, instruments and validation data.
- [Subject] Chemistry /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Fact Data /
Gain insight into Chinese political and social life during the turbulent 120 year period from 1832 to 1953 with 12 English-language Chinese historical newspapers. Available on the ProQuest interface.
- [Subject] General Fields / History & Geography /
- [Source type] Newspaper Articles /
Covers indexing of over 4,500 journals in nursing and the allied health sciences.
- [Subject] Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
CiNii Research enables you to search not only information on academic articles but also a lot of information related to research activities such as research data and project information.
- [Subject] General Fields / Literature & Language / Philosophy & Psychology / History & Geography / Art / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology / Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science / Chemistry / Biology / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Cochrane Library is a collection of databases focusing on systematic reviews that are the result of Cochrane Collaboration. Of the included databases, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) can search systematic reviews, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) can search RCT and CCT.
- [Subject] Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Contains a wide range of laws and precedents in Japan.
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Laws & Precedents /
DynaMed is a clinician-focused tool designed to facilitate efficient and evidence-based patient care. This database contains the latest evidence which has been critically reviewed by the DynaMed editorial team from various sources, such as medical journals and international guidelines.
- [Subject] Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Others /
The Early English Books Online (EEBO) is a database that provides printed materials published in theThe Early English Books Online (EEBO) is a database that includes printed materials published in the United Kingdom (or written and published in English) from 1475 to 1700.
Provides valuable historical resources in various disciplines related to the early modern UK and Europe.
- English
- 1475 年-1700 年
- 13万点以上
- [Subject] Literature & Language / Philosophy & Psychology / History & Geography / Art / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Books / Encyclopedias & Dictionaries / Others /
Database of numerous journal articles and literature related to business administration, economics, and business. This database is provided by Graduate School of Economics.
- [Subject] Economics & Business /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Books / Business Information /
Includes subject indexing and abstracts of journal articles, working papers dissertations in economics.
- Limit on No. of Users 4
- English
- 1866~
- [Subject] Economics & Business /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Full-text database of English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom during the 18th century, along with thousands of important works from the Americas.
- [Subject] Literature & Language / Philosophy & Psychology / History & Geography / Art / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Books / Encyclopedias & Dictionaries / Others /
Provides education literature and resources by Education Resource Information Center (ERIC). The interface is EBSCOhost. Also available on the
ProQuest interface.
- [Subject] Society & Education /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Database of the unique and comprehensive compilation of science performance statistics and science trends data which is based on journal article publication counts and citation data from Thomson Scientific databases. This database is provided by Osaka University Institute for Academic Initiatives. Including Impact Factor.
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Indicators /
Database of "Financial Times" contains all articles published in the paper from 1888 to 2016. Available on the Gale Primary Sources platform.
- [Subject] General Fields / History & Geography / Economics & Business /
- [Source type] Newspaper Articles /
HeinOnline is a premier online database containing more than 182 million pages and 281,000 titles of historical and government documents in a fully searchable, image-based format.
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Includes digital versions of the U.K. House of Commons Sessional Papers.
- [Subject] History & Geography / Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Parliamentary Publications /
Indexes law books, journal articles, reviews and more.
- Limit on No. of Users 1
- English
- 1983~
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Books /
Comprehensive information reference service for literature on nuclear science and technology.
- [Subject] Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Includes about 1,200 scholarly journals, monographs, exhibition catalogues on western art from late antiquity to the present. IBA is a successort to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA). Available on the ProQuest interface.
- English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and more
- [Subject] Art /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Collection of Japanese language reference works. Includes language dictionaries, encyclopedias, biographical dictionaries, and more.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Databases of mainly Japanese journals, technical reports and clinical reports in all the fields of Science and Technology, Medicine and Pharmacology.
- Limit on No. of Users 2
- Japanese
- 約4700万件
- [Subject] Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science / Chemistry / Biology / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Statistical database on core journals in social sciences, science and technology. Including Impact Factor.
- [Subject] General Fields / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology / Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science / Chemistry / Biology / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Indicators /
This does not include the laws of the canton of Lant, full-text journals (except for the : juris PraxisReport), the Federal Gazette, and all materials of the Federal Assembly.
※Please click the linked "オートログイン" and use from "zur Recherche.
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Books / Laws & Precedents / Parliamentary Publications /
Online English-Japanese and Japanese-English dictionaries.
Off-campus access is available through
- Limit on No. of Users 5
- Japanese
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Database of literature and judicial precedents in France and EU countries, including laws and regulations and judgments of higher courts (France and EU countries).
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Laws & Precedents /
Database of Japanese precedents, laws, and articles of law journals.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Laws & Precedents /
Covers journals, books, research reports and proceedings from library, information science and related fields. The interface is EBSCOhost. You can search other databases with LISTA at the same time by clicking on "Choose Databases" of the search screen. Also you can access LISTA for free:
- [Subject] Others /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
This collection includes two parts:
MOMW-I: The Goldsmiths'-Kless Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850
Full-text and full-page-image access to 61,000 works on economic and business hisotry from the 1450-1850 period.
MOMW-II: Making of the Modern World, Part II: 1851-1914
Comprised mainly of 5,000 titles of monographs, reports, correspondence, speeches, and surveys on social, economic, and business history, and more.
- [Subject] History & Geography / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education /
- [Source type] Books /
MarinLit is a database dedicated to marine natural products research. Both text and chemical structure searches are available.
- [Subject] Chemistry /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Fact Data /
Provides a high level of analytical coverage of constitutional law topics in a comparative context.
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Literature in the field of medicine from across the world can be searched with a thesaurus. The interface is Ovid. Also available on
the ProQuest interface.
- [Subject] Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
The primary database of journal articles, monographs, book chapters, and dissertations in literatures and linguistics.
- [Subject] Literature & Language /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Books /
Online edition of primary economic dictionary New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 3rd ed..
- [Subject] Economics & Business /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Articles of New York Times (1980-) are available in full text on the ProQuest interface.
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Newspaper Articles /
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford DNB) is the national record of more than 60,000 men and women who have shaped British history and culture, worldwide, from the Romans to the 21st century. The Dictionary offers concise, up-to-date biographies written by named, specialist authors.
- [Subject] General Fields / Literature & Language / Philosophy & Psychology / History & Geography / Art / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology / Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science / Chemistry / Biology / Medicine & Nursing / Others /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Historical dictionary of English covering the language from the 13th century to the present day.
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Archives of macromolecular structures and integrated tools.
- [Subject] Biology /
- [Source type] Fact Data /
This database provides full-text searchable facsimile archive of the Picture Post from its first issue (1938) to 1957. Available on the Gale Primary Sources platform.
- [Subject] General Fields / Literature & Language / History & Geography / Art / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
This is a database where you can check the reliability concerns of academic journals. It can be useful for selecting a treatise submission destination.
- [Subject] General Fields / Others /
- [Source type] Others /
The service provides today's newspapers from around the world, includes more than 3,000 from 100 countries in 60 languages. Also provides up to a 60-day backfile and the ability to perform keyword searches across all titles and the entire backfile.
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Newspaper Articles /
Databases listed below are searchable in a combined search. Databases to be searched in a combined search can be selected by clicking "Database" in the menu bar at the top of the window. (The databases available at Osaka University are all selected by the default setting.) Please refer to the description of each database to see contents of them. The interface is available in 20 languages.
- ERIC (1966-current)
- Health & Medical Collection information
- International Bibliography of Art (IBA) information
- MEDLINE (1946-current)
- New York Times (1980-current)
- ProQuest Central
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: The Sciences and Engineering Collection
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chinese Newspapers Collection (1832 - 1953)
- PTSDpubs (1871 - current)
- [Subject] General Fields / Literature & Language / Philosophy & Psychology / History & Geography / Art / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology / Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science / Chemistry / Biology / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Books / Newspaper Articles / Others /
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available, bringing together complete databases across all major subject areas, including Business, Health and Medical, Language and Literature, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, Philosophy, and includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.
- [Subject] Literature & Language / Philosophy & Psychology / History & Geography / Art / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology / Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science / Chemistry / Biology / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Books / Newspaper Articles / Others /
Indexes of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day.
Full text of "The Sciences and Engineering Collection" is provided free to OU members by courtecy of the vendor.
- [Subject] Literature & Language / Philosophy & Psychology / History & Geography / Art / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology / Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science / Chemistry / Biology / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Contains about 3,600 scholarly journals and books covering a variety of disciplines includeing medicine, immunology, pharmacy, pharmacology, nursing, physical fitness, hygiene, and other major fields of clinical medicine and health care. About 3,000 of them provide full text content. The interface is ProQuest, which is available in 20 languages.
- [Subject] Biology / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Books /
Comprehensive database for psychologists, counselors, researchers and students, providing extensive full-text coverage for a broad range of subjects in the fields of psychology, behavioral sciences and related disciplines.
- [Subject] Philosophy & Psychology /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
- [Subject] Philosophy & Psychology /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Covering the Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress, is produced at the headquarters of the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in White River Junction, Vermont.
- [Subject] Philosophy & Psychology / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
A database of over 34 million citations of biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals and online books. Provided free of charge by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, USA. When accessing via the URL for OU members, you can use the link button ([Osaka U.]) to the navigation page to confirm the availability of electronic resources at the university, even if you access from off-campus.
You can also use the link button ([Osaka U.]) by adding "Osaka University" to "Outside Tool" settings of your NCBI account.
- [Subject] Biology / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Books /
Structures, reactions, physical and chemical property database for organic and inorganic, organometallic substances.
- [Subject] Chemistry /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Fact Data /
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Indicators /
The largest abstract database of peer-reviewed journals in science, engineering, medical science, social science, and arts and humanities.
- [Subject] Literature & Language / Philosophy & Psychology / History & Geography / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology / Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science / Chemistry / Biology / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Comprehensive sociology research database. Informative abstracts for core journals, monographs, conference papers are included.
- [Subject] Society & Education /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Database of reproducible laboratory protocols in the biomedical and life sciences.
Also available on the
Springer Nature Link interface.
- [Subject] Biology / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Books /
Contains a wide range of laws in Japan.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Laws & Precedents /
Database of an annual publication collecting newly published Greek inscriptions and studies on previously known documents.
- [Subject] History & Geography /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Books /
The Japan Times is an English-language newspaper with the oldest history in Japan since the Meiji era.
The following 3 titles of The Japan Times Archives are available.
・JTW-1 March 22,1897 ? December 31, 1926
Available from the first issue (March 22, 1897) of The Japan Times to 1926.
・The Japan Advertiser
The Japan Advertiser is an English-language newspaper mainly written by American reporters and published in 1913-1940 for Europeans and Americans living in Japan.
・The Japan Times of 1860s
Content: 223 pages, weekly paper, 4-8 pages per issue. Includes domestic and foreign news; information on foreign ships and court trials, plus ads for companies and embassies in Japan.
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Newspaper Articles /
The SHAFR Guide Online: An Annotated Bibliography of U.S. Foreign Relations since 1600 is a near-comprehensive, 2.1 million-word online annotated bibliography of historical work covering the entire span of U.S. foreign relations.
- [Subject] History & Geography / Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Others /
This database provides full-text facsimiles of The Times from its first issue (1785) to 2019. Available on the Gale Primary Sources platform.
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Newspaper Articles /
Commentaries based on the formal and informal documentation of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III, 1973-1982), coupled with the personal knowledge of editors, contributors, or reviewers, many of whom were principal negotiators or UN personnel who participated in the Conference.
- [Subject] History & Geography / Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Parliamentary Publications / Others /
Includes bibliographic information and cited references of important articles across the world, contents in data repositories and patent data.You can analyze not only past trends, but also current ones by referring to citation relationships and frequency of citation of the articles and other contents.
Databases can be searched either in combination or independently within each specific subject area.Web of Science databases available at Osaka University are listed below.
- Web of Science Core Collection (1900 -present)
- Citation Connection
- BIOSIS Citation IndexR (1926 -present)
- Book Citation Index (2005 -present)
- Conference Proceedings Citation IndexR (1990 -present)
- Current Chemical Reactions (1986 -present)
- Current Contents Connect (1998 -present)
- Data Citation Index (1900 -present)
- Derwent Innovations Index (1963 -present)
- Index Chemicus (1993 -present)
- MEDLINE (1950 -present)
- Zoological Record (1864 -present)
- KCI-Korean Journal Database (1980 -present)
Russian Science Citation Index (2005 -present)(Suspended)
- SciELO Citation Index (1997 -present)
Citation Connection was added in January 2017.
"Web of Science Core Collection" is selected by the default setting. To perform combined searches, choose "All Databases" from the drop-down menu below the logo of "WEB OF SCIENCE".
Journal impact factors are found in Journal Citation Reports.
- [Subject] Literature & Language / Philosophy & Psychology / History & Geography / Art / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology / Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science / Chemistry / Biology / Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Patents / Fact Data /
World repository of small molecule crystal structures.
- [Subject] Chemistry /
- [Source type] Fact Data /
An online legal information service centered on American law. Case law, law books, rule books, journal articles, etc. are available.
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Encyclopedias & Dictionaries / Laws & Precedents /
Database for Japanese Magazine and Periodicals from the Meiji Era to the Present.
- Limit on No. of Users 5
- Japanese
- 1868~
- 740万件
- [Subject] General Fields / Literature & Language / Philosophy & Psychology / History & Geography / Art / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology / Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science / Chemistry / Biology / Medicine & Nursing / Others /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Online version of Encyclopaedia Britannica.
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Database of articles from the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper.
- Limit on No. of Users 2
- Japanese
- 創刊号/First issue (1874年)~
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Newspaper Articles /
Database of articles pulished in Japanese medical journals. Online edition of the Japana Centra Revuo Medicina.
- [Subject] Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Online version of Japanese standard reference books of chemistry.
- [Subject] Chemistry /
- [Source type] Books / Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Online version of the Kadokawa Kogo Daijiten (The Great Dictionary of Archaic Japanese). Available on JapanKnowledge.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- 約10万件
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Kamakura Ibun (Collection of Historical Materials of the Kamakura Period) comprises 42 volumes with 4 ones of supplementary materials. Thus, it is a complete collection of all roughly 36,000 antique texts from the Kamakura period. Available on JapanKnowledge.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- 約3.8万件
- [Subject] General Fields / History & Geography /
- [Source type] Books /
Official gazettes (this edition, extra edition, government procurement announcement edition, document edition, and catalog) can be searched on the Internet. You can use text and image displays for issues from May 3, 1947 to the current issue.
It is available in the Main Library.
- Please ask the staff at the Reference Desk on the 2nd floor, building B.
- Available only from 9am to 5pm on weekdays.
- Limit on No. of Users 1
- Japanese
- [Subject] General Fields / Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Laws & Precedents / Others /
A digital collection of annual reports and prospectus produced between early Meiji period and early Showa period. Provided on the platform of J-DAC (Japan Digital Archives Center).
- [Subject] Economics & Business /
- [Source type] Fact Data /
Database containing original materials related to modern history. It consists of various policy materials from diplomacy to domestic affairs, interview / hearing records, diaries / notebooks, memos, letters, handwritten manuscripts / drafts, etc. Provided on the platform of J-DAC (Japan Digital Archives Center).
楠田實資料 [第一期](佐藤栄作官邸文書)
我妻栄関連文書 第一部
- [Subject] History & Geography / Law & Politics / Economics & Business /
- [Source type] Others /
Online version of Gunsho Ruiju (Collection of Japanese Historical Sources). Available on JapanKnowledge.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Contains a wide range of precedents in Japan.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Laws & Precedents /
NSSD is a free database of philosophy social science field operated by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Library. Contains over 2,000 titles and more than 10 million papers of Chinese academic journals. Osaka University is registered as an institution and can be accessed without obtaining a personal account.
※As of August 2024, the National Social Sciences Database (NSSD) is temporaly out of service, but same contents are available at the National Center for Philosophical and Social Sciences Publications (NCPSSD).
※You will be automatically redirected to NCPSSD in 30 seconds from the NSSD page. Please wait for the redirection or click the "Jump to Document Center" link to access NCPSSD.
※If you are accessing NCPSSD via off-campus network, please get a personal free account of NCPSSD by yourself.
- [Subject] General Fields / Literature & Language / Philosophy & Psychology / History & Geography / Art / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology / Mathematics & Phycics & Information Science / Chemistry / Biology / Medicine & Nursing / Others /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Online version of Kokushi Daijiten (Encyclopedia of Japanese History). Available on JapanKnowledge.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- 約630万件
- [Subject] History & Geography / Art /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Database of literature related to nursing practice, research and education, from literature published in Japan, such as bulletins and journals on nursing and related areas, in the collection of the Japan Nursing Association Library.
- Limit on No. of Users 3
- Japanese
- [Subject] Medicine & Nursing /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Shiryo Sanshu (Collected Historical Materials), indispensable for research into Japanese history and culture, is a major collection of historical materials in which important works have been converted to modern-style Japanese script (reprint) for ease of use. Consisting of an ancient records section and an ancient documents section, important historical materials of a wide range of genres and from different eras, from ancient to early-modern times, as well as diaries of Imperial Court nobles, warriors, and Buddhist and Shinto priests, have been converted to modern-style Japanese script.At Osaka University, full-texts of the following volumes are available. Available on JapanKnowledge.
- First phase; from the Heian, Kamakura and Namboku-cho periods in the ancient records section
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] Literature & Language / History & Geography / Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Books /
Online Chinese-Japanese character dictionary. Available on JapanKnowledge.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Database containing rare magazines and journals. Contents can be cross-searched. Provided on the platform of J-DAC (Japan Digital Archives Center). The following content is available:
- [Subject] Literature & Language / History & Geography / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Database of articles from the law journal "新・判例解説Watch".
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Laws & Precedents /
A great compendium that exhaustively and systematically covers the fundamental pre-modern Japanese works of Japanese history research. At Osaka University, full-texts of the following volumes are available. Available on JapanKnowledge.
- Set1 vol.1 - vol.8
- Set4 vol.22 - vol.28
- Set6 vol.32 - vol.37
- Set8 vol.53 - vol.57, Supplement 1
- Set9 vol.58 - vol.60, Supplement 2
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] Literature & Language / History & Geography / Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Books /
Encyclopedia of Japanese Waka Poetry [New Edition] contains about 450,000 poems, including 1162 anthologies, such as collection,imperial anthologies, personal anthologies, private family anthologies, and anthologies from poetry contests.
Two advanced search functions have been prepared for the JapanKnowledge version, a vocabulary search and a next/previous phrase search. Available on JapanKnowledge.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- 約45万首
- [Subject] Literature & Language /
- [Source type] Books / Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Database of articles from the official newspaper of the People's Republic of China.
When you are off campus, switch your browser to private browsing mode to access.
- Limit on No. of Users 3
- Chinese
- 1946~
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Newspaper Articles /
Dazai Osamu Manuscripts Online includes manuscripts and first publications by Dazai(1909-1948) along with personal diaries and notebooks from his school days. Provided on the platform of J-DAC (Japan Digital Archives Center).
- [Subject] Literature & Language /
- [Source type] Books / Others /
Celebrated as the “great treasure trove of kanji culture,” the Dai Kanwa Jiten is a Chinese-Japanese character dictionary containing 50,000 character entries and 530,000 compounds, having scoured the existing literature and dictionaries, both ancient and modern. The vocabulary of every historical period is covered, including pre-Qin classics such as the Shijing (Classic of Poetry) and Lunyu (Analects of Confucius); chronicles such as the Shiji (Historical Records) and Hanshu (Book of Han); the Wen Xuan (Selections of Refined Literature); Tang and Son-dynasty poetry and prose, and novels from the Ming and Qing dynasties. The scope of consulted literature extends to Buddhist scripture, medicine and pharmacognosy, law, topography, and even Chinese poetry written in Japan.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Database for Chinese journals. At Osaka University, full-texts of following disciplines are available.
1994-: Chinese language, Law, Public Security
-1993: Literature, History, Philosophy, Law
中国期刊全文数据库(CAJ) is a content of CNKI(China National Knowledge Infrastructure : 中国知网).
- Limit on No. of Users 3
- Chinese
- [Subject] General Fields / Literature & Language / Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
This is a web database of "Shen Bao(申報)", one of the leading newspapers in modern China.
It contains most of the currently accessible issues published between 1872 and 1949. Full-text search and images of printed books are also available.
Check “Modern Documents” and click “login”. (You do not need to enter “user name” & “password”.)
When you are off campus, switch your browser to private browsing mode to access.
- Limit on No. of Users 1
- Chinese
- 1872~1949
- [Subject] General Fields / History & Geography /
- [Source type] Newspaper Articles /
Dictionaries of Chinese ancient literature, Chinese language, Humanities and Social sciences.
中国工具書 (CRWO) is a content of CNKI(China National Knowledge Infrastructure : 中国知网).
- Limit on No. of Users 5
- Chinese
- [Subject] Literature & Language / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Database of magazines and newspapers from the Shanghai Library's collection from the end of the Qing dynasty to the Republic of China.
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Newspaper Articles /
Database of articles from the Asahi Shimbun newspaper.
- Limit on No. of Users 3
- Japanese
- 創刊号/First issue (1879年)~
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Newspaper Articles /
Provides access to the annual statistical reports issued by each prefecture since Meiji era. Provided on the platform of J-DAC (Japan Digital Archives Center).
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Fact Data /
News and financial information from mainly Nihon Keizai Shinbun newspaper.
When you are off campus, switch your browser to private browsing mode to access.
- Limit on No. of Users 3
- Japanese
- 1975~
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Newspaper Articles /
Nihon Kindai Bungakukan is a useful database for modern Japanese studies that contains materials published from the early Meiji period to the early Showa period. Available on JapanKnowledge.
- Taiyo (The Sun)
- Bungei Kurabu; Meiji-hen
- Takita Choin kyuzo Kindai sakka genkoshu
Available on JapanKnowledge.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] General Fields / Literature & Language /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Books / Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Online version of Nihon Kokugo Daijiten. Available on JapanKnowledge.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Online version of Nihon Rekishi Chimei Taikei (historical geographical dictionary). Available on JapanKnowledge.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- 約20万項目
- [Subject] History & Geography /
- [Source type] Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Online version of the Fuzoku Gaho (the first graphic magazine produced in Japan). Available on JapanKnowledge.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- 約4万件
- [Subject] General Fields / Literature & Language / History & Geography / Art / Law & Politics / Economics & Business / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Encyclopedias & Dictionaries /
Bungeishunju is a general monthly magazine founded by the author Kikuchi Kan in January 1923.
- Bungeishunju1 1923-1932
- Bungeishunju2 1933-1941
- Bungeishunju3 1942-1950
Available on JapanKnowledge.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] General Fields / Literature & Language / History & Geography / Art / Law & Politics / Society & Education / Folklore & Anthropology /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Policing the Shanghai International Settlement, 1894-1945
This is a collection of digitized materials from the U.S. National Archives, focusing on essential documents, particularly confidential records, from the Shanghai Municipal Police of the International Settlement. This database is provided byGraduate School of Humanities.
The collection is accessible until January 31, 2026.
- [Subject] History & Geography /
- [Source type] Others /
Bibliographic database of the law bulletins of Japanese universities and colleges.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Journal Articles /
Bibliographic database containing bibliographic information and judicial commentary information published in "法律時報" and other legal-related books, magazines, reports, newspapers.
- Limit on No. of Users 10
- Japanese
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Laws & Precedents /
Database of articles from the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper.
- Limit on No. of Users 2
- Japanese
- 創刊号/First issue (1872年)~
- [Subject] General Fields /
- [Source type] Newspaper Articles /
Database of the following law journals published by Yuhikaku.
- 『ジュリスト』
- 『法学教室』
- 『判例百選』
- 『民商法雑誌』
- Limit on No. of Users 1
- Japanese
- [Subject] Law & Politics /
- [Source type] Journal Articles / Books / Laws & Precedents /