Science and Engineering Library


We have no parking available, so please use public transport.


2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871
*Our library is located in Suita Campus.


Campus map

This map shows you where in Suita Campus Science and Engineering Library is. Clicking on the following image, you can get a printable pdf file.
Suita Campus Map

Searching the route to our library

You can search the route to our library from the specific start point (such as a station, address, etc.). Clicking on the following link, please input start point into the window "A".

Link to the page for searching the route

Available Public Transport

Inter-Campus Shuttle Bus (for Osaka University members only)

  • Inter-Campus Shuttle Bus from Toyonaka Campus

    From "Main Library,Toyonaka" Bus to "School of Engineering, Suita"→ about 3-4 minutes on foot

  • Inter-Campus Shuttle Bus from Minoh Campus

    From "Foreign Studies,Minoh" Bus to "School of Human Sciences"→ about 10-15 minutes on foot

    Website of Inter-Campus Shuttle Bus