Main Library

Global Commons

About Global Commons

  • Area for learning multi-languages and multi-cultures (without reservation).
  • We also have moblie tables and chairs, large displays and facilities for presentaion.
  • This area is suitable for group studying, lectures and seminars.
Floor Map Presentation Zone Collaboration Zone Free Zone World News Zone Lounge


  • Projectors
  • Microphones
  • Laptop PCs
  • Wireless LAN
  • Large Display
  • Sheet digital white board

Using Procedure

You can use them without reservation, but Projectors, microphones and laptop PCs must be borrowed at Main Desk (Members of Osaka University only).

When you use Global Commons for lectures, seminars or events, see the guideline (in Japanese) below, and send us the following application (in Japanese) from 1 month to 1 week before using.

About the logo


Connection and Creation for multi-cultures understanding


The Connection of circles expresses the connection of persons and communities that have various cultures and languages.

The top circle expresses arising of new values or various ideas from the connections below, and that a person or a community is being connected to other communities. And the connection of these circles symbolizes the first letter "G" of "Global".

The bright green color of the logo symbolizes "activness" and "brightness" of the area that promotes connection and creation.

We have made this logo with intention that Global Commons become an active and bright area that produces connection and creation for multi-cultures and multi-languages understanding.

General Information