Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (Sepember 16. 9:00am-)(2024/08/29)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (8/31 21:00- 9/1 13:00)(2024/08/20)
【Database】 Access to JapanKnowledge Lib via GakuNin will be suspended (8/28 17:00-21:00)(2024/08/20)
【E-Journal】IEEE Xplore Planned Downtime Notification (August 11 and August 17)(2024/08/09)
【Database】Notice for cancellation (U.S. Declassified Documents Online)(2024/08/06)
【Recruitment for participants!】2nd Roundtable between Students and Library Director/Vice Director for fiscal 2024 (to be held on September 20th)(2024/07/29)
Disaster drill will be held at International Studies Library(July 25th)(2024/07/18)
Recovered【E-Journal】Nature Access Error(2024/07/03)
【Recruitment for participants!】1st Roundtable between Students and Library Director/Vice Director for fiscal 2024 (to be held on July 19th)(2024/06/14)
【Workshop】Research instruction workshop: How to get articles in Osaka University Library (June. 24th)(2024/06/04)
【Workshop】Job Hunting Advice for International Students(June 10th & June 17th)(2024/05/31)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to Network Maintenance (June. 10)(2024/05/28)
【Event】Library Tour by Learning Supporters(Apr. 2024)(2024/04/09)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to System Maintainance (Feb. 15)(2024/02/09)
【Institutional repository】Suspension of Osaka University Repository (OUKA) due to system maintenance (Jan.30 9:00am-11:00am)(2024/01/18)
Disaster drill will be held at International Studies Library(January 10th)(2024/01/05)
【Database】New Arrivals(2023/11/30)
【Ebooks】 “ProQuest Ebook Central” Trial Reading Service and Reception of Purchase Request for E-Books(- Dec. 15th, 2023)(2023/11/13)
【Workshop】"Scopus" Training Session (Nov. 30th)(2023/11/08)
【Workshop】"Mendeley" Training Session (Nov. 29th)(2023/11/08)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (November 26. 8:00am-)(2023/11/07)
Notice of Library closure for New year holiday【Dec. 27 - Jan. 3】(2023/10/31)
【Event】Library Tour by Learning Supporters(2023/10/02)
【Workshop】Research instruction workshop: How to get articles in Osaka University Library(Oct. 23th & Nov. 1st)(2023/09/29)
【E-Journal】IEEE Xplore Planned Downtime Notification (3:00 AM September 23 - 5:00 AM September 23, 2023)(2023/09/20)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (Sep. 18. 9:00am-)(2023/08/29)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to System Maintainance (Sep. 5)(2023/08/29)
【Database】New Arrival: U.S. Declassified Documents Online(2023/07/25)
【Database】New Arrival: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global "The Sciences and Engineering Collection"(2023/07/21)
【E-Journal】IEEE Xplore Planned Downtime Notification (10:00 PM July 22 - 2:00 AM July 23, 2023)(2023/07/20)
【E-Journal】Trial of 4 titles of OUP e-journals (- Dec. 31st, 2023)(2023/07/19)
Suspension of Off Campus Access (28 July 22:00 - 29 July 5:30)(2023/07/13)
Disaster drill will be held at International Studies Library(July 13th)(2023/07/05)
【Notice】Termination of unlimited the number of possible renewals of loan periods (Oct. 5-)(2023/06/28)
Recovered【E-Journal】【Database】Off Campus Access is temporarily unavailable.(2023/06/26)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to Network Maintenance (June. 12)(2023/05/29)
Suspension of Library Services due to the system maintenance of Campus-wide IT Authentication Platform Service(May 28. 9:30am-)(2023/05/19)
Suspension of Web Service etc. due to replacement of network equipment(2023/05/15)
【Workshop】Research instruction workshop:How to get articles in Osaka University Library(May 15th & May 17th)(2023/04/26)
Suspension of Web Service etc. due to replacement of network equipment(2023/04/18)
【Event】International Studies Library Tour by Learning Supporters (April 25 to 28)(2023/04/12)
【Event】Library Tour by Learning Supporters (April 17 to 21)(2023/04/07)
【Citation Manager】Extention of the usage period of Mendeley Institutional Edition(until March 31, 2024)(2023/04/03)
【Database】New Arrival: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL)(2023/04/03)
Services in International Studies Library during the COVID-19 Outbreak(2023/03/30)
【Database】Notice for Change (CAS SciFinderⁿ→CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform for Academics)(2023/03/20)
【Database】Notice for cancellation (ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times with Index)(2023/03/20)
About service termination of NDL Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Libraries on March 31st, 2023(2023/03/03)
Science and Engineering Library: East Bldg. is closed during the break.(2023/02/09)
Disaster drill will be held at International Studies Library(2023/01/11)
Shortening of opening hours from December 2022 due to rising utility costs(repost)(2022/11/30)
Shortening of opening hours from December 2022 due to rising utility costs(2022/11/21)
【Service resumed】【2023.2.1 update】About interlibrary loan(ILL) service suspension (2023/1/23~1/31)(2022/11/14)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (November 27. 8:00am-)(2022/11/10)
【Workshop】"Scopus" Training Session (Nov. 30th)(2022/11/09)
【Workshop】"Mendeley" Training Session (Nov. 29th)(2022/11/09)
Notice of Library closure for New year holiday【Dec. 27 - Jan. 3】(2022/11/08)
Suspension of Repository Deposit System (October 27 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)(2022/10/25)
Restoration: Library services (OPAC, institutional repositories, etc.) are not available(2022/10/24)
【Event】Library Tour by Learning Supporters in Minoh(2022/10/13)
Appropriate Use Policy for E-resources(2022/10/12)
Recovered:【Database】Notice for Change in Procedure of Off-Campus Use of Web of Science(2022/10/07)
【Event】Library Tour by Learning Supporters(2022/10/03)
【Workshop】Research instruction workshop:How to get articles in Osaka University Library(18 Oct. & 2 Nov.)(2022/09/26)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to Network Maintenance (Sep. 10)(2022/09/09)
Notice of Library closure and Suspension of library services for library system renewal (Sep. 11-16, 20-26)(2022/09/02)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (September 19. 9:00am-)(2022/08/24)
Suspension of Library Services due to the system maintenance of Campus-wide IT Authentication Platform Service(September 18. 1:00pm-)(2022/08/24)
Science and Engineering Library: East Bldg. is closed during the break.(2022/08/23)
[Science and Engineering Library]Group Study Rooms are available from July. 11(Trial)(2022/07/11)
Group Study Room is available from Jun. 21(2022/06/22)
【2022.8.3 update】About the IC card for photocopying at the public expense in OU Libraries (from 1st August 2022)(2022/05/20)
Suspension of Repository Deposit System (May 18-May 19)(2022/05/13)
Suspension of Off Campus Access (May.16 8:30am-12:00pm )(2022/05/13)
【Workshop】Research instruction workshop:How to get articles in Osaka University Library(17 & 19 May)(2022/04/26)
【Database】New arrivals, changes and cancellations(2022/04/05)
【Database】Trial of “The Japan Times Archives March 22,1897 - July 31, 1926” (-4/18)(2022/03/24)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to Network switching on campus (Mar. 24)(2022/03/23)
Main Library: the Automated Stacks will be suspended (3/31)(2022/03/22)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to renewal of the server certificate (Mar. 25)(2022/03/22)
【Database】Notice for users of CAS SciFinder (Please migrate your saved searches and alerts)(2022/03/18)
【Citation Manager】Extention of the usage period of Mendeley Institutional Edition(until March 31, 2023)(2022/03/17)
【Database】Trial of “ProQuest Central” (-3/31)(2022/03/11)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to Network switching on campus (Mar. 18)(2022/03/11)
Recovered【Database】Press Reader Access Error(2022/03/04)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (2/26 9:00-19:00)(2022/02/10)
【Event】Cyber HPC Symposium 2022(Mar.14th)(2022/02/07)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to System Maintainance (Feb. 10)(2022/02/04)
【Database】J-DAC (Japan Digital Archives Center) Maintenance Alert (2/7 12:00-15:00)(2022/01/28)
【Database】Trial of “CAS SciFinderⁿ”(2022/01/17)
【Database】【E-book】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(1/16 12:00-20:00)(2022/01/04)
【Database】J-DAC (Japan Digital Archives Center) Maintenance Alert (1/4 12:00-15:00)(2021/12/28)
International Studies Library closed from Dec. 29 to Jan. 3(2021/12/27)
AV Library is available from Dec. 6(2021/12/06)
Learning Commons LUX is available for individual study from Dec. 1(2021/12/01)
Suspension of Web Service etc. due to system maintenance (Nov 30. 8:00 a.m.-)(2021/11/26)
System Maintainance (Nov. 25. 10:00 a.m.-)(2021/11/24)
Recovered【Database】Web of Science Access Error(2021/11/19)
【Workshop】Research instruction workshop:How to get articles in Osaka University Library(21 Dec.)(2021/11/15)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (11/27 9:00-13:00)(2021/11/12)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (November 28. 8:00am-)(2021/11/11)
【Workshop】"Mendeley" Training Session (Nov. 12th)(2021/10/26)
【Workshop】"Scopus" Training Session (Nov. 10th)(2021/10/26)
【Workshop】Introduction to Literature Review(November 10th)(2021/10/12)
【Workshop】How to use "Web of Science" and "EndNote basic" (Oct. 25th)(2021/10/12)
【Event】Library Tour by Learning Supporters (Main Library, Oct. 11-18)(2021/10/05)
Recovered【Database】CNKI Access Error(2021/09/30)
Main Library: the Automated Stacks will be suspended (①9/22 16:30~9/24 9:00、②9/25~27)(2021/09/15)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (9/25 9:00-13:00)(2021/09/09)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (September 23. 9:00am-)(2021/09/09)
Suspension of Off Campus Access (Sep.7 8:30am-12:00pm )(2021/09/02)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to System Maintainance (Aug. 31)(2021/08/26)
【E-Journal】Project Euclid Maintenance Alert(8/20~8/21)(2021/08/19)
Suspension of Web Service etc. due to system maintenance (Aug 17. 8:00 a.m.-)(2021/08/10)
【Database】J-DAC (Japan Digital Archives Center) Maintenance Alert (7/16 20:00-23:00)(2021/07/12)
【Database】【E-book】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(7/25 11:00-21:00)(2021/07/12)
Services in International Studies Library during the COVID-19 Outbreak(2021/07/08)
【E-book】ProQuest Ebook Central Maintenance Alert(6/26 23:00 - 6/27 7:00)(2021/06/04)
[To Osaka University researchers] Launch of the Repository Deposit System(2021/06/01)
Suspension of Web Service etc. due to system maintenance (May 27. 8:00 a.m.-)(2021/05/25)
Faculty, staff and students at Minoh campus can request to reserve materials held in International Studies Library until June 20.(2021/05/14)
OU members can enter International Studies Library on weekdays from May 13(Thu) to June 20(Sun) by pre-booking(2021/05/14)
Open hours of International Studies Library (2021/5/12 – )(2021/05/14)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (5/29 9:00-13:00)(2021/05/14)
Open hours of International Studies Library will be changed (2021/5/1 - )(2021/04/28)
Services in International Studies Library during the COVID-19 Outbreak(2021/04/28)
No entry to International Studies Library due to declaration of the state of emergency until May 11 (2021/5/1 - )(2021/04/28)
Extention of the due date(2021/04/23)
【Database】New arrivals, changes and cancellations(2021/04/05)
【Database】JDreamIII Maintenance Alert (4/3 10:00-17:00)(2021/04/02)
【Database】Trial of “中国近代報刊庫 大報編 申報”(2021/03/30)
【Citation Manager】Mendeley Institutional Edition will be available(until March 31, 2022)(2021/03/30)
【E-Journal】New EJ backfiles are available(2021/03/26)
【Database】(4/7 trouble is solved)Le Doctrinal Plus Access Error(2021/03/11)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to System Maintainance (March 9-10)(2021/03/04)
【E-Journal】All Wiley EJ backfiles are available (until Feb. 28, 2022)(2021/03/01)
Suspension of Osaka University Repository (OUKA) due to system maintenance (Feb. 18 8:30am-)(2021/02/17)
【Database】Trial of “Le Doctrinal Plus” (-3/31)(2021/02/10)
【Database】Kikuzo Ⅱ Visual Maintenance Alert (2/14 9:30-13:00)(2021/02/09)
Main Library: the Automated Stacks will be suspended (2/19 16:30~2/22 9:00、2/22 16:30~2/24 9:00)(2021/02/08)
Science and Engineering Library: East Bldg. is closed during the break.(2021/02/04)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (2/27 9:00-18:00)(2021/02/04)
【Database】【E-book】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(1/31 12:00-20:00)(2021/01/18)
RightsLink (OA Agreement manager) Maintenance Alert (1/20 16:00-20:00)(2021/01/15)
E-learning course “Library Guidance for International Students : How to Search and Use Books & Articles in Osaka University Library” is released.(2020/12/08)
Notice: Online Study Support by Learning Supporters (from December 7)(2020/12/03)
Suspension of Off Campus Access (Dec.8 8:30am-9:00am )(2020/12/03)
【E-Journal】Trial of “New England Journal of Medicine” (-12/31)(2020/12/02)
Online Study Support by Learning Supporters (from November 30)(2020/11/27)
Online Study Support by Learning Supporters (from November 9)(2020/11/24)
【Workshop】How to use "Web of Science" and "EndNote basic" (Dec. 8th)(2020/11/18)
【Workshop】How to use “Mendeley”(Dec. 2nd)(2020/11/18)
【Workshop】How to use “Scopus” (Dec. 1st)(2020/11/18)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (November 29. 8:00am-)(2020/11/05)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (11/22 9:00-13:00)(2020/11/02)
【E-Journal】Trial of “JoVE” (-3/31)(2020/10/08)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (September 22. 9:00am-)(2020/09/15)
System Maintainance (Sep. 12. - 13.)(2020/09/02)
System Maintainance (Sep. 2. 8:30 a.m.-)(2020/08/28)
Temporary suspension of terminals due to maintenance (Sep. 2-4)(2020/08/27)
Temporary closure of the Library on Aug. 25 (Tue)(2020/08/21)
System Maintainance (Aug. 25. 8:30 a.m.-)(2020/08/17)
System Maintainance (Aug. 18. 8:30 a.m.-)(2020/08/17)
Science and Engineering Library: East Bldg. is closed during the break.(2020/08/12)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (8/23 9:00-18:00)(2020/08/07)
Notice: Renovation Work of Life Sciences Library (Second Report)(2020/06/29)
Learning Support Desk Reopen (from June 18)(2020/06/26)
Online Study Support by Learning Supporters (from June 18)(2020/06/26)
Service resumed: OUKA Maintenance Alert (6/24 9:15 - )(2020/06/24)
Main Library: Cancellation of the 24-hour service(2020/06/17)
Library Service Changes (from June 11)(2020/06/10)
Main Library: Library will close at 2pm on Jun. 10(2020/06/09)
Partial Reopening and Library Service Changes (from May 28)(2020/06/05)
System Maintainance (May. 21. 10:30 a.m.-)(2020/05/20)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (5/30 9:00-13:00)(2020/05/15)
Osaka University developed its Open Access Policy(2020/05/14)
Temporary closing (4/8 17:00~)(2020/04/09)
Revision of the copying fees(2020/03/23)
System Maintainance (Mar. 17. 10:00 a.m.-)(2020/03/13)
Elsevier e-journals list from April 2020 to March 2021(2020/03/12)
Notice: Renovation Work of Life Sciences Library(2020/03/12)
Temporary suspension of terminals due to maintenance (Mar. 12-13)(2020/03/10)
【To Visitors】[3/27 Updated]Service Suspension to Prevent Spread of Novel Coronavirus (3/6~)(2020/03/06)
【To Osaka University members】[3/27 Updated]Service Changes to Prevent Spread of Novel Coronavirus (3/6~)(2020/03/06)
Main Library: the Automated Stacks will be suspended (3/12-13)(2020/03/05)
Main Library: The location index of OPAC is changed.(2020/03/04)
【Database】Trial of "The Japan Times Archives", "The Japan Advertiser","The Japan Times of 1860s"(-3/31)(2020/02/26)
Main Library: Some areas are closed during the break.(2020/02/13)
Science and Engineering Library: East Bldg. is closed during the break.(2020/02/04)
【Database】Trial of “Early English Books Online(EEBO)” (-3/22)(2020/01/27)
【Database】【E-book】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(2/9 12:00-18:00)(2020/01/23)
Main Library: [Notice] Extended library hours on weekends during the exam period(2020/01/14)
Notice: Works of adding wireless LAN access point in Main Library(2019/12/06)
Notice: Repair works of the equipment of Main Library(2019/12/03)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (November 24. 7:00am-)(2019/11/07)
【Workshop】How to search and use books & articles in Osaka University Library (22 & 25 Nov.)(2019/11/07)
System Maintainance (Nov. 5. 9:00 a.m.-)(2019/11/01)
Network Maintenance (Oct 31. 12:00-)(2019/10/31)
System Maintainance (Oct. 17. 9:00 a.m.-)(2019/10/11)
【Event】Library Tour by Learning Supporters (Main Library, Oct. 1-11)(2019/09/30)
【Workshop】Research instruction workshop:How to get articles in Osaka University Library(8 & 11 Oct.)(2019/09/30)
Notice: Repair works of the outside wall of OU Libraries(2019/09/27)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (September 16. 8:00am-)(2019/09/05)
Science and Engineering Library: East Bldg. is closed during the break.(2019/08/21)
Main Library: Some areas are closed during the break.(2019/08/20)
Temporary suspension of terminals due to maintenance (Aug. 22-28)(2019/08/16)
【Database】Institutional registration of NSSD (National Social Sciences Database)(2019/08/16)
【E-Journal】E-Resource List(SFX) Maintenance Alert (8/11 0:00-16:00)(2019/08/09)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (8/25 9:00-17:00)(2019/08/02)
Temporary suspension of terminals due to maintenance (Aug. 16,19,20,22)(2019/07/26)
Main Library: [Notice] Extended library hours on weekends during the exam period(2019/07/05)
Notice: The delivery timing of due date reminder e-mail will be changed.(2019/07/04)
【E-Journal】 (6/21 trouble is solved) Elsevier's ScienceDirect: PDF downloading is currently not available(2019/06/21)
On OU-Libraries' hours on June 16th(Sun.) and 17th(Mon.)(2019/06/17)
System Maintainance (Jun 19. 9:00 a.m.-)(2019/06/13)
【Workshop】How to use “ProQuest Research Library / New York Times collection”(July 5th)(2019/06/12)
Network Maintenance (Jun 3. 23:00 -)(2019/05/31)
Terminals will be unavailable due to maintenance of Educational Computer System (30 May)(2019/05/28)
Notice for closure of Main Library on September 16th(2019/05/27)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to System Maintainance (May 28. 9:00 a.m.-)(2019/05/24)
【Seminar】IEEE Authorship Workshop (6/7 Fri.)(2019/05/17)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (6/2 9:00-14:00)(2019/05/13)
【Workshop】Research instruction workshop:How to find articles in Osaka University Library(21 & 24 & 27 & 30 May)(2019/05/08)
【Database】【E-Journal】(5/8 trouble is solved)Ovid Platform; Database(MEDLINE),E-Journals/E-Books Temporarily Unavailable(System error)(2019/05/07)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (4/23 19:30-20:30)(2019/04/22)
【Workshop】How to use “Mendeley”(May 17th)(2019/04/16)
【Workshop】How to use “Scopus”(May 15th)(2019/04/16)
【Workshop】How to find and use books in Osaka University Library (25 Apr.)(2019/04/15)
【Event】Library Tour by Learning Supporters(2019/04/05)
【Database】JDreamIII Maintenance Alert(4/6 9:00- 17:00)(2019/04/02)
Elsevier e-journals list from April 2019 to March 2020(2019/03/25)
Terminals will be unavailable due to maintenance of Educational Computer System (23 Mar.)(2019/03/22)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to System Maintainance (Mar 22. 9:00 a.m.-)(2019/03/13)
Main Library: [Notice] Suspension of Automated Retrieval System etc. due to repair work(2019/03/08)
Suspension of Web Service etc. due to System Maintainance (Mar 19. 6:30 a.m.-)(2019/03/06)
Suspension of Web Service etc. due to System Maintainance (Mar 5. 9:00 a.m.-)(2019/02/25)
Security enhancement for library services (3/5. 10:00-)(2019/02/25)
【Database】JDreamIII Maintenance Alert(2/23 9:00- 17:00)(2019/02/21)
【Seminar】Mechanism behind and Trends in Scholarly Publication - Examples from Science (3/4)(2019/02/20)
Main Library: [Finished] Some areas are closed during the break.(2019/02/20)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (2/24 9:00-13:00)(2019/02/06)
Suspension of Web Service etc. due to replacement of network equipment (Feb 9. 1:00 a.m.-)(2019/01/28)
【Database】【E-book】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(1/20 12:00-20:00)(2019/01/16)
《Rescheduled:Jan 17. 8:30 a.m.-》Suspension of Web Service etc. due to system maintenance (Jan 8. 8:30 a.m.-)(2018/12/28)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (1/19 9:00-17:00)(2018/12/28)
【E-book】ProQuest Ebook Central Maintenance Alert(1/6, 1/20)(2018/12/25)
【Seminar】"Scholarly Publication Week" Seminar Series (1/23~25)(2018/12/25)
Terminals will be unavailable due to maintenance of Educational Computer System (26 Dec.)(2018/12/21)
【E-Book】Trial of “Handbooks in Economics Series” (-1/18)(2018/12/21)
【Database】JDreamIII Maintenance Alert(12/15 9:00- 17:00)(2018/12/10)
Main Library: Global Commons is closed from 8 a.m. to noon on 12/18(Tue.).(2018/12/06)
12/16(Sun.), The Life Sciences Library is temporarily closed all the day(2018/12/03)
【Workshop】Cracking the JLPT (N1, N2 level)-Advice from a N1 Perfect Scorer(14 Dec.)(2018/11/29)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to system maintainance (Nov 28. 7:00am-8:00am)(2018/11/27)
Suspension of Library Website due to system maintenance (Nov 27. 3:30 p.m.-)(2018/11/27)
Recovered【E-Journal】【Database】Off Campus Access is temporarily unavailable.(2018/11/26)
Suspension of Library Website due to system maintenance (Nov 26. 1:30 p.m.-)(2018/11/26)
【E-Journal】Trial of "Nature Microbiology" (-12/19)(2018/11/21)
Recovered: Temporally unavailable at the Main Library: Use of the doctoral theses which are submitted after 2013 and not open to the public on the internet (in-library use only)(2018/11/20)
Suspension of Web Service etc. due to system maintenance (Nov 21. 8:30 a.m.-)(2018/11/19)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert (11/25 9:00-13:00)(2018/11/14)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (November 25. 7:00am-)(2018/11/08)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert(10/18 19:30 - 20:30)(2018/10/16)
【Workshop】Research instruction workshop:How to find articles in Osaka University Library(24 Oct. & 26 Oct.)(2018/10/11)
【E-journal】【Database】Ovid Maintenance Alert10/7 10:00-14:00, 10/14 10:00-14:00)(2018/10/05)
【Event】Library Tour by Learning Supporters (Oct. 1-12)(2018/10/04)
9/30(Sun), The Life Sciences Library is temporarily closed all the day(2018/09/28)
【Workshop】How to use “Mendeley”(October 18th)(2018/09/28)
【Notice】In International Studies Library, all areas are available now(2018/09/13)
Terminals will be unavailable due to maintenance (14,18-20 Sept.)(2018/09/07)
Recovered:【Notice】In International Studies Library, some seats and the stairs are unavailable (9/6~)(2018/09/05)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (Sep 17. 8:00am-)(2018/09/05)
On 9/4(Tue.), all OU-Libraries will be temporarily closed all the day(2018/09/03)
On 8/23 (Thu.), all OU-Libraries is temporarily closed for the storm warning(2018/08/23)
Terminals will be unavailable due to maintenance of Educational Computer System (16 Aug. and 30 Aug.)(2018/08/09)
【Database】【E-book】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(8/19 1:00-6:00, 11:00-19:00)(2018/08/08)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert(8/17 17:30 - 8/18 17:30)(2018/08/08)
Workshop of “ProQuest Research Library / New York Times collection” has been postponed to July 13th.(2018/07/06)
7/7(土・Sat.)-7/8(日・Sun.) 外国学図書館の開館予定 Library hour of International Studies Library(2018/07/06)
7/6(金・Fri.) 外国学図書館は臨時休館します(授業休講のため) International Studies Library is temporarily closed(because there is no class)(2018/07/06)
【E-Resource】Trial of Elsevier Pay-Per-View Prepaid Service(2018/07/04)
6/25(月・Mon.) 4館の開館状況について On OU-Libraries' hours(2018/06/22)
6/23(土・Sat.)-6/24(日・Sun.) 4館とも臨時休館します All OU-Libraries will be closed(2018/06/22)
6/22(金・Fri.) 4館の開館状況について On OU-Libraries' hours(2018/06/22)
6/21(木・Thu.) 4館の開館状況について On OU-Libraries' hours(2018/06/20)
6/20(水・Wed.) 4館の開館状況について On OU-Libraries’ hours(2018/06/20)
6/19(Tue.) All OsakaU-Libraries are closed (for security verification).(2018/06/18)
6/18(Mon.) All OsakaU-Libraries are closed due to the earthquake in north Osaka.(2018/06/18)
【Workshop】How to use “ProQuest Research Library / New York Times collection”(July 13th)(2018/06/12)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to replacement of network equipment (May 29. 9:00 a.m.-)(2018/05/24)
【Database】JapanKnowledge Lib Maintenance Alert(5/27 9:00- 13:00)(2018/05/11)
【Workshop】How to use “Mendeley”(May 11th)(2018/04/13)
【Workshop】How to use “Scopus”(May 9th)(2018/04/13)
Restriction lifted on access to 6th floor of Stacks' North building (3/29)(2018/03/29)
【Database】JDreamIII Maintenance Alert(3/31 9:00- 4/2 9:00)(2018/03/29)
【Event】Library Tour by Learning Supporters(2018/03/29)
【Database】Changes and termination of some database contracts(2018/03/22)
【E-Journal】 (3/30 trouble is solved)Wiley E-Journals/E-Books Off-Campus Access Error(2018/03/20)
Elsevier e-journals list from April 2018 to March 2019(2018/03/15)
(03/07 trouble is solved)【E-Journal】 How to avoid error in accessing Elsevier e-journals(2018/02/23)
Restricted Access to 6th floor of Stacks' North building (3/8-4/1)(2018/02/14)
【Database】Ovid Maintenance Alert (2/11 14:00-20:00)(2018/02/06)
【Database】Kikuzo II Visual for Libraries Maintenance Alert(2/4 10:00-12:30)(2018/01/24)
【Database】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(1/28 12:00-20:00)(2018/01/12)
【Database】Kikuzo II Visual for Libraries Maintenance Alert(1/14 10:00-10:10)(2018/01/11)
【E-Journal】 Trial of JAMA Journals(-12/31)(2017/12/06)
【E-Book】 Maintenance for Maruzen eBook Library(12/28 20:00 - 1/3 24:00)(2017/12/04)
【E-Resource】Scheduled maintenance for Karger(12/2)(2017/11/30)
【E-Resource】Scheduled maintenance for Taylor & Francis(12/2)(2017/11/29)
Extra closed of Life Sciences Library (Dec. 17)(2017/11/22)
Seminar by Camblidge University Press "How to Publish Your Articles/Books?" (12/6 Fri.)(2017/11/16)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (November 26. 7:00am-)(2017/11/10)
【Database】Reaxys switches over to a new version(2017/11/06)
【Event】Library Tour by Learning Supporters(2017/09/27)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (Sep 18. 8:00am-)(2017/09/05)
Suspension of library services for library system renewal (Sep. 11-12, 14, 19, 23-25)(2017/09/01)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to replacement of network equipment (Sep 2. 9:00 a.m.-)(2017/08/30)
Notification of Change of the Multimedia terminals Service(Aug. -Sep.)(2017/08/29)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to replacement of network equipment (Aug 26. 12:00 p.m.-)(2017/08/18)
【Database】≪Last updated: 17/07/20≫ ProQuest Maintenance Alert(7/30 4:00-13:00)(2017/07/04)
【Workshop】How to use "ProQuest Research Library" and "MLA International Bibliography" (Jun. 15th, 16th)(2017/05/26)
Location of Materials on A5F of Main Library(2017/05/22)
Suspension of Web Service due to server maintenance (May. 24th)(2017/05/17)
【Event】Library Tour by Learning Supporters(2017/04/07)
【Database】Web of Science--"Citation Connection" is now available.(2017/03/15)
【Database】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(1/29 12:00-20:00)(2017/01/24)
【Database】Scheduled maintainance for CiNii service(December 2. - December 5.)(2016/11/21)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (November 27. 7:00am-)(2016/11/14)
Extra closed of Life Sciences Library (Dec. 4)(2016/10/26)
Warnings about suspicious e-mails(2016/09/30)
【Event】Library Tour by Teaching Assistants(2016/09/30)
≪Last updated: 16/09/16≫Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (Sep 19. 8:00am-)(2016/09/07)
Suspension of Off Campus Access (Sep.2 1:00pm-2:00pm )(2016/09/02)
【Database】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(8/21 11:00-19:00)(2016/08/10)
【Database】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(7/10 11:00-13:00)(2016/06/28)
【Event】Library Tour by Teaching Assistants(2016/04/14)
【Database】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(4/3 6:00-14:00)(2016/03/29)
Elsevier e-journals list from April 2016 to March 2017(2016/03/25)
【Database】"FINANCIAL TIMES Historical Archives, 1888-2010" became available.(2016/02/12)
【Database】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(2/14 12:00-18:00)(2016/02/12)
【Database】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(1/17 12:00-20:00)(2016/01/06)
【E-journal】2016 RSC Gold for Gold program(2016/01/04)
【E-Resource】Scheduled maintenance for Karger(12/5)(2015/12/03)
Elsevier e-journals list from April 2016 to March 2017(2015/12/03)
【E-book】 Free trial : "Cambridge Books Online"(until 16/01/31)(2015/12/01)
【Database】"Historical Abstracts with Full Text" became available(2015/12/01)
【Database】 Free trial : Korean full-text databases, "KISS"and "DBpia"(2015/11/26)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (Nov. 29)(2015/11/25)
【Database】 Free trial : "The Times Digital Archive"(2015/10/09)
【Database】 Free trial : "Historical Abstracts with Full Text"(2015/10/01)
【E-Resource】Scheduled maintenance for Cambridge University Press(9/19, 20)(2015/09/16)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (Sep. 23. 8:00am-)(2015/09/11)
Suspension of Off Campus Access and Web Service (Sept. 8th)(2015/09/03)
Materials in Automated Stacks are Unavailable during Sep. 18 (Fri) 17:00~Sep. 20 (Sun)(2015/09/01)
【Database】Scheduled maintenance for EndNote online service(8/2 7:00-11:30)(2015/07/30)
【Database】"SciVal" is available at Osaka University(2015/07/28)
【Database】Scheduled maintenance for Elsevier platforms(8/2 7:00-11:30)(2015/07/28)
【Database】"AFP World Academic Archive" is available at Osaka University(2015/07/27)
【Database】 Free trial : "Business Source Complete" and "EconLit with Full Text"(2015/07/06)
Beginning the Service of Automated Stacks (June 8. 13:00~)(2015/05/29)
Suspension of Web Service due to server maintenance (May. 18th)(2015/05/13)
【E-Resource】New e-resource collection in Osaka University(2015/04/23)
The new learning commons on the 1F of east building has been opened!(2015/04/22)
【Event】Library Tour by Teaching Assistants(2015/04/15)
Suspension of Web Service due to maintenance of servers (Apr. 9th)(2015/04/08)
【E-journals】The APC discounts of ScienceAdvances(2015/02/03)
【E-journal】2015 RSC Gold for Gold program(2015/01/27)
Teaching Assistant in Global Commons (Main Library)(2015/01/14)
【E-journal】The APC discount coupon codes (SpringerOpen, BioMed Central)(2015/01/13)
Suspension of Osaka University Repository (OUKA) due to server maintenance (Dec. 16 9:00am-)(2014/12/09)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (Nov. 30th)(2014/11/25)
Suspension of Off Campus Access (Oct. 28 1:00pm- )(2014/10/24)
【Lecture】Practical Guide to the Daily Life in Japan(International Studies Library, Oct. 22)(2014/10/16)
Suspension of Web Service etc. due to server relocation (Oct. 11. - Oct. 12)(2014/09/26)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (Sep. 15th)(2014/09/01)
【Event】Library tour by Teaching Assistants (Main, Science and Engineering Library, International Studies Libraries)(2014/04/10)
Suspension of OPAC etc. due to power outage (Nov. 24th)(2013/11/07)
【Database】Web of Knowledge Maintenance Alert(8/23 17:00-8/24 03:00)(2013/08/23)
【Database】ProQuest Maintenance Alert(8/25 11:00-19:00)(2013/08/23)
Global Commons in Main Library won NIKKEI New Office Award(2013/08/02)
【Lecture】"Introduction of Presentation: Basic Skill for Logical Speaking (September)(2013/08/01)
【Tool】 EndNote Web was changed to EndNote basic(2013/07/05)
Focus Group for Global Commons(7/11)(2013/06/27)
【Event】Seminar : our student published a book (6/21)(2013/06/07)
【Event】Global Commons Cafe(Main Library・6/25,27)(2013/06/03)
【Lecture】How to write a essay (June, July)(2013/05/22)
【Database】JDreamIII Maintenance Alert(5/19 10:00-17:00)(2013/05/16)
A book written by our student: new arrival(2013/05/16)
【Lecture】“Introduction of Presentation: Basic Skill for Logical Speaking”(5/9~)(2013/04/24)
【Database】Web of Knowledge (Web of Science) Maintenance Alert(4/28 07:00-4/29 10:00)(2013/04/22)
【Event】Library tour by Teaching Assistants (Main, Science and Engineering Library, International Studies Libraries)(2013/04/17)
Service hours of Reference Desk in Life Sciences Library will change.(2013/03/18)
Nine laptop computers were added (Main Library)(2013/03/13)
Replacement and addition of wireless internet access points(2013/03/12)
[Database] Products and services of ProQuest will be unavailable (3/10)(2013/03/05)
Additional chairs in Global Commons for 24 hours opening(2013/01/22)
【Lecture】“Introduction of Presentation: Basic Skill for Logical Speaking”(2/19~)(2013/01/09)
24 hours opening of the Main Library, Toyonaka during final exam.(2012/12/28)
【Database】 BBIH will be terminated.(2012/12/20)
Additional tables and chairs at Learning Commons and Global Commons in Toyonaka during final exam.(2012/12/12)
Web site was renewed.(2012/12/06)